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Location of Marina

  • It is located in the best place near Seoul that connects to the West Sea. (66km from Seoul City Hall)
  • It is close to Incheon International Airport and it will be developed as global marina. (15km from Incheon International Airport)

Marina rough map

Marina facilities

  • Wangsan Marina is the closest marina from Seoul.
  • It aims to be a complex resort that many people can enjoy various marine sports.
  • It supports a variety of amenities for yacht mooring.

Facilities of wet berths

Facilities of wet berths

  • It contains 266 wet berths with the latest facilities where you can moor small, middle sized and super yachts.
  • There are total of 10 docks (A to J) including gas station dock.
  • The security system is operated at the gate of the berths and the surrounding area so that the customers can moor safely.
  • Inside each wet berth, the depth of the water is always above 3.5m so that you can reach to the sea every day.

계류신청, 시설 예약 하기

수상계류 시설 안내 입니다. dock-a
Dock A Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
35ft 4 - -
60ft 1 - -
Dock B Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
35ft 12 - 100,000
Dock C Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
Marina ship rental business
(After approval from the management operator)
Dock D Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
35tf 20 7,920,000 22,000
Dock E Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
35ft 17 7,920,000 22,000
Dock F Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
35ft 54 7,920,000 22,000
Dock G Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
40ft 52 9,000,000 25,000
60ft 1 12,600,000 35,000
Dock H Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
40ft 26 9,000,000 25,000
50ft 22 10,800,000 30,000
100ft 1 23,400,000 65,000
Dock I Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
60ft 20 12,600,000 35,000
60ft 16,200,000 45,000
Dock J Close
Berth length Accetable ships Yearly fee Daily fee
85ft 3 19,800,000 55,000
100ft 23,400,000 55,000
130ft 4 30,600,000 85,000
165ft 37,800,000 105,000