Where can I find more information on CIQ?
Please refer to detailed information on '고객지원(Customer support)' > 공지 및 뉴스(Notification & News)' of Korean version of this website.
(Or copy following URL: http://www.wangsanmarina.co.kr/support/notice_news_view.aspx?NT_SEQ=24&page=1)
What are the entry/departure procedures for ships registered at foreign countries?
1. Because Wangsan Marina is an unopen ports, you need to get access permission from Customs before entering.
2. You need to process ship's report by EDI or Fax 24 hours before entering.
[Customs] Incheon Main Customs Office (Tel. 032-452-3491, Fax. 032-891-9184
[Immigration office] Incheon Immigation Office (Tel. 032-891-9925, Fax. 032-891-9927)
[Quarantine office] Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency Incheon Airport Regional Office (Tel. 032-740-2642, Fax.032-740-2081)
3. Onboard report : People who are not crews nor driver need to send onboard report to Customs.
4. Approval on ship conversion : From foreign trade ship to home trade vessel.
5. Permission on departure : Customs will send permission to sail 12 hours before departure.
What are the CIQ documents needed for ships registered at foreign countries?
Required documents are as follows. [Customs]: General Declaration, Crew list, Passenger list, Ship's stores list, Crew's effects list, Entry and departure permission for unopen ports [Immigration office]: General Declaration, Crew list, Passenger list [Quarantine office]: General Declaration, Crew list, Passenger list
I lost my access card. What should I do?
Users, who have lost his/her access card, need to immediately inform the manager. The card can be reissued at the office, but deposit fee of reissuance (10,000won) need to be paid. Also keep in mind that you deposit of previous card(10,000 won) is non-refundable.
What are the operating hours of marina facilities?
The operating hours of marina facilities are from 8:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. However the operating hours can be adjusted d on decisions made by managers.